03 339 2930


CRC Ashburton

CRC Ashburton


Situated at the Mania-O-Roto Scout Den
2 Chalmers Avenue
Telephone: (03) 308-8903
or Sapphire Stanley (Executive Leader): 022-036-6501
Email: ashburton100@chrisruthcentre.co.nz

Sapphire Stanley - Manager Ashburton
Sapphire Stanley ~ ​Executive Leader Ashburton

Kia ora and welcome to the Ashburton branch of CRC. If you are ever in the vicinity then come and visit us.

In 2014 The Chris Ruth Centre opened in Ashburton. The centre is currently operating out of the Mania-O-Roto Scout Den.

Latest News

  • Ashburton Community Garden
    Right from the start of the Ashburton Community Garden, our centre has been involved. We helped to make the site wheelchair accessible with wide pathways and garden raised beds to make the garden inclusive for everyone. We are regularly in the garden during the week. Planting, weeding, watering and harvesting vegetables.

Ashburton Photo Gallery