In Memoriam


Chris was one of the four original clients that petitioned the government for our centre to begin. Chris made the most of all his opportunities.

He had a work participation placement at the Cashmere High School library.

Chris had a quirky sense of humour and particularly liked it when others did something wrong or were told off for something.​


Christine and John were particular friends who ensured Gerald had many fantastic experiences. 

Gerald had a work participation placement at Park Avenue Dog Groomers.

​Gerald had a determined personality. If he didn’t want to do something he would definitely let you know.


Otherwise known as ‘Tarty Brown’.



Thomas settled in well to The Chris Ruth Centre and we soon discovered his wicked sense of humour and his love for music.

​He attended a work participation placement at the Cashmere High library, which he enjoyed immensely.

Thomas quickly developed friendships with many people and was very close to Howard and Earl in particular.


Smiley Kylie enjoyed being pampered  – makeup, hairdos and nails. She knew just about everything that was going on and if she didn’t, there would be a range of quickfire questions aimed at the staff – she was a great one for socialising. She gave the best hugs and wonderful back rubs.
She attended KinderCare as a work placement and loved conversing with the children.
She also had the opportunity to meet Carmel Sepuloni the Minister of Disabilities when she came to visit the Chris Ruth Centre in 2018.


Vikki came to us five days in the week and she tried most things she was asked to do – sometimes with displeasure (exercising) and sometimes with glee (baking or cooking).
She was no pushover. She took her time in getting to know and like someone but when she did… you were accepted into her little group of likeable friends.
For many years she attended Lapco as a work placement and then moved on to The Gym where she was the overseer of the Ladies’ Circuit Class – making sure they were doing things correctly but no actually doing anything herself.
She had many friends but had a particular aversion to Mike W and would always walk over and shake his hand whenever she was in his room.

Susan Thomas

Suzie loved coming into the Centre. She would arrive through the door with a huge smile every morning. Some of her favourite activities were her work placement at Cupcake Collection and getting out and about in the community. At the Centre Suzie loved to socialise and adored a good joke. She was often the first person to catch someone doing something silly and her infectious laughter soon let the rest of us know what was going on.


Jean was with us for a short time here in Kaiapoi. She resided at Hawksbury Trust and came to us for two days a week.
She was full of smiles and had a mischievous streak. She brought joy to the centre.
Jean had a great sense of humour and never missed a chance for a quick cuddle. She enjoyed coming to the Centre and especially loved water play and any opportunity to splash you.
Jean was one of a kind. Missed dearly.